Improving the environmental performance of PDO cheeses is possible. The strategy of the PDO Grana Padano


Thanks to the work of the project’s partners, the first results of the LIFE TTGG can be seen with respect to one the PDO value chain involved, Grana Padano.

“By joining this project, we set three main objectives: understanding the main environmental impacts along the Grana Padano production chain; identify where we can intervene to mitigate these impacts; provide actors within the value chain with strategic tools to stimulate learning and innovative capacity to reduce impact. Today the first two objectives have been achieved and we will reach the third by mid-2022” said Mr. Renato Zaghini, the President of the Consorzio di tutela del formaggio Grana Padano DOP (the Consorzio).

The project tested the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology on a representative sample of Grana Padano PDO producers.

Read the full article here!

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