[ONLINE EVENT] Improving the efficiency of PDO cheese production processes in EU: The LIFE TTGG Project, intermediary results

On 10 December, oriGIn – in cooperation with the LIFE TTGG partners – organizes the online event “Improving the efficiency of PDO cheese production processes in Europe: The LIFE TTGG Project, intermediary results”.

The objective is to disseminate the preliminary results concerning the PDO cheeses “Grana Padano” and “Comté”, including possible mitigation actions identified to reduce the environmental impact.

The event will take place on zoom from 10h00 AM-12h00 PM CET (simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available).

Please fill in the registration form below to obtain the zoom link to join the event. Registration is open to the general public.





Mr. Massimo Vittori Managing Director, oriGIn


The Project LIFE TTGG
Mr. Jacopo FamigliettiPolitecnico di Milano, Scientific Coordinator LIFE TTGG


Sustainability Strategy of Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano PDO
Representative Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano DOP

The experience in applying the PEF methodology on the Comté PDO supply chain
Mr. Ronan Lasbleiz – Conseil National des Appellations d’Origine Laitières (CNAOL)

Mitigation actions to improve environmental performance in dairy farms
Mr. Federico Froldi PhD – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Solutions to improve energy efficiency in dairies
Mr. Matteo Muscherà – Enersem

The role of packaging in food waste prevention
Mr. Luca Gianelli – Politecnico di Milano

For information contact the organising secretariat by sending an email to: ida@origin-gi.com




Fonte: oriGIn

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